Countering cyber terrorism in a time of 'war on words': Kryptonite for the protection of digital rights?
This collection, edited by Fabio Cristiano, Dennis Broeders and Daan Weggemans, includes six short policy-focused contributions exploring how legislation and policy on counter cyber terrorism unfold at the national level in the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Russia, France, and at the regional level of the European Union.

The selection of the five permanent members (P5) of the United Nations Security Council as case studies stems from the recognition of their role as prominent normative actors of international cyber security. Additionally, these cases are also representative of the different, and strongly opposed, narratives at play. In addition to these national snapshots, the case of the European Union has been included because it offers the possibility to reflect on the 'regional' level, as well as to widen the analysis to an increasingly important normative actor for coordinated counter terrorism policy. Each of these contributions tackles the following questions: do national security legislations explicitly refer to cyber terrorism?; what are the boundaries set for the phenomenon?; in which situations does this framework get enacted?; what is the relationship between counter terrorism legislation and other legislation on the cyber element?
You can download the publication here.