New Publication | Governing Cyberspace: Behavior, Power and Diplomacy
As of today, our edited volume Governing Cyberspace: Behavior, Power and Diplomacy is available. The book is edited by Dennis Broeders and Bibi van den Berg and is based on a selection of papers presented during our inaugural conference Novel Horizons: Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace from 5-7 November 2018 in The Hague. The entire volume is available under open access, via publisher Rowman & Littlefield.
A PDF version published under Open Access can be found here.
Divided into three parts, Governing Cyberspace first looks at current debates in and about international law and diplomacy in cyberspace. How does international law regulate state behaviour and what are its limits? How do cyber superpowers like China and Russia shape their foreign policy in relation to cyberspace? The second focuses on power and governance. What is the role for international organisations like NATO or for substate actors like intelligence agencies? How do they adapt to the realities of cyberspace and digital conflict? How does the classic balance of power play out in cyberspace and how do different states position themselves? The third part takes a critical look at multistakeholder and corporate diplomacy. How do global tech companies shape their role as norm entrepreneurs in cyberspace, and how do their cyber diplomatic efforts relate to their corporate identity?