Novel Horizons: Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace
The team of the The Hague Program for Cyber Norms is pleased to invite you to its inaugural conference on responsible behaviour in cyberspace, taking place this fall. The conference features Laura DeNardis, Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Dennis Broeders and Adam Segal as keynote speakers, five panel tracks on state and non-state/industry actors, power dynamics, institutional perspectives, regional perspectives and international law, and a panel discussion on private sector involvement in cyber norms with representatives from Microsoft, Siemens and KPN. This program is in English.
Keynote speakers

Laura DeNardis
Professor in the School of Communication and Faculty Director of the Internet Governance Lab at American University in Washington DC.
Keynote: The Internet of Things as a Global Policy Frontier
Link to Profile

Myriam Dunn Cavelty
Senior Lecturer for Security Studies and Deputy for Research and Teaching at the Center for Security Studies (CSS) in Zürich.
Keynote: Behavioral Cyber-Norms: Escalation Risk or Cause for Restraint?
Link to Profile

Adam Segal
Ira A. Lipman Chair in Emerging Technologies and National Security and the Director of the Digital and Cyberspace Policy Program at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.
Keynote: What China Wants: How China is Using Tech, Diplomacy, and Trade to Shape Cyberspace
Link to Profile

Dennis Broeders
Senior Fellow of the The Hague Program for Cyber Norms at Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs.
Keynote: The Demilitarization of Cyber Conflict
Link to Profile
Plenary panel on private sector involvement in cyber norms
- Jaya Baloo, Chief Information Security Officer, KPN
- Nemanja Malisevic, Chief Senior Strategist & International Lead Defending Democracy Program, Microsoft
Moderator: Lousewies van der Laan, Member Board of Directors ICANN
Monday 5 November 2018
12:00 – Registration & Lunch
14:15 – Welcome
14:45 – Keynote by Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Behavioral Cyber-Norms: Escalation Risk or Cause for Restraint?
15:45 – Coffee break
16:30 – Industry panel on Private Sector Involvement in the Cyber Norms Debate with Jaya Baloo, Nemanja Malisevic (moderator: Lousewies van der Laan)
17:30 – Break / Drinks
19:00 – Conference Dinner
- Preceded by a speech by Christopher Painter, Commissioner of the Global Commission for the Stability of Cyberspace & Principal Visiting Fellow at The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies
21:00 – End of day 1
Tuesday 6 November 2018
9:30 – Keynote by Adam Segal, What China Wants: How China is Using Tech, Diplomacy, and Trade to Shape Cyberspace
10:30 – Coffee break
11:00 – Parallel sessions:
- Institutional perspectives (I)
Moderator: Dennis Broeders
- David Weyrauch & Thomas Winzen, "Contested Multistakeholderism? Analyzing the Preferences of Internet Governance Participants"
- Alexander Klimburg & Louk Faesen, "A Balance of Power in Cyberspace" - Industry & norms, public-private (I)
Moderator: Els De Busser
- Elonnai Hickok & Arindrajit Basu, "Critical Questions in the Global Evolution of Active Private Cyber Defense"
- Jacqueline Eggenschwiler & Joanna Kulesza, "Non-State Actors as Shapers of Customary Standards of Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace"
12:00 – Lunch
13:00 – Parallel sessions:
- Regional perspectives
Moderator: Zine Homburger
- James Shires, "Ambiguity and Appropriation: Cybersecurity and Cybercrime in Egypt and the Gulf States"
- Bart Hogeveen, "Southeast Asia and Efforts to Reach Norms and Confidence-building Measures in Cyberspace. Can International Negotations Theory Explain Success and Failure in Reaching Agreement and Providing a Way Forward"
- Geoffrey Joseph Hoffman, "Cybersecurity Norm-Building and Signaling with China" - Institutional perspectives (II)
Moderator: Ilina Georgieva
- Steven Hill & Nadia Marsan, "International Law in Cyber Space: Leveraging NATO's Multilateralism, Adaptation and Commitment to Cooperative Security"
- Tim Maurer & Kamaal Thomas, "Developing a Cyber Deterrence Initiative: Lessons Learned from FATF, the Proliferation Security Initiative, and Wassenaar"
14:30 – Coffee break
15:00 – Keynote by Dennis Broeders, The Demilitarisation of Cyber Conflict
16:00 – Break
16:45 – Special side event at the Peace Palace (optional activity)
19:45 – End of day 2
Wednesday 7 November 2018
9:00 – Keynote by Laura DeNardis, The Internet of Things as a Global Policy Frontier
10:00 – Parallel sessions:
- Industry & norms, public-private (II)
Moderator: Ilina Georgieva
- Robert Gorwa & Anton Peez, "Geneva Calling: A Critical Analysis of the Cyber Tech Accord"
- Louise Marie Hurel & Luisa Cruz Lobato, "Cyber-norms Entrepreneurship? Understanding Microsoft's Advocacy on Cybersecurity" - International law (I)
Moderator: Kubo Mačák
- Liisi Adamson, "International Law and International Norms: Road to Fragmentation?"
- Przemysław Roguski, "Violations of Territorial Sovereignty in Cyberspace – an Intrusion-based Approach"
11:00 – Coffee break
11:30 – Parallel sessions:
- International law (II)
Moderator: Liisi Adamson
- Zine Homburger, "Differentiated Responsibilities in Cyberspace"
- Nicholas Tsagourias, "Cyber Intervention and the Principle of Non-intervention"
- Nele Achten, "Adequate Responses to Malicious Cyber Activities Conducted on Behalf of Foreign States" - Power
Moderator: Bibi van den Berg
- Ilina Georgieva, "The Normative Power of Intelligence Agencies"
- Valentin Weber, "The International Diffusion of Cyber Norms and Power: An Analysis of Information Controls"
- Justin Key Canfil, "How Uncertainty About Military Technological Change Compromises International Law: Implications for the Current Cyber Stalemate"
13:00 – Closing by Dennis Broeders
13:15 – Lunch
14:30 – End of conference
Tickets: €300 regular price; €150 for students/PhD candidates. Registration has closed.
The registration fee includes admission to all plenary and parallel sessions, networking reception, conference dinner, lunches and coffee breaks on all three days. If you require an invoice, please contact us before registering at c.m.oosterbaan@fgga.leidenuniv.nl
Terms & conditions when registering for this conference can be found here.
Contact information
For any questions or more information about the conference, please contact Corianne Oosterbaan, Program Assistant of the The Hague Program for Cyber Norms at c.m.oosterbaan@fgga.leidenuniv.nl